Eyes That Hold The Heavens - Chapter 12 - McPhoenixDavid - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter Twelve: The Sage of Jujutsu

The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon, casting a soft, golden glow on the small, cozy kitchen. Hanako was already up, her hands deftly moving as she prepared breakfast. The smell of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the aroma of pancakes, filling the room with a comforting warmth.

Kenji shuffled into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He smiled at the sight of his wife, her hair tied up in a messy bun, a soft hum escaping her lips as she worked. He moved to stand behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. "Good morning, love," he murmured, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek.

Hanako turned her head, her eyes crinkling at the corners as she smiled at him. "Good morning, Kenji," she replied, her voice soft and filled with affection. She turned back to the stove, flipping a pancake with practiced ease.

Just then, the pitter-patter of small feet could be heard, growing louder as they approached the kitchen. Tenodakume, their son, bounded into the room, his eyes bright and full of energy. "Morning, Mom! Morning, Dad!" he greeted, hopping onto a stool at the kitchen island.

"Good morning, Naruto," Kenji replied, ruffling his son's hair affectionately. He moved to pour himself a cup of coffee, adding just a splash of milk and a spoonful of sugar.

As the family settled down to eat, the room was filled with the sounds of quiet conversation and laughter. Hanako and Kenji listened with rapt attention as Naruto excitedly recounted his dreams from the night before, his hands waving around animatedly as he spoke.

At that moment, the kitchen was more than just a room in their house. It was a sanctuary, a place where they could come together as a family and share in the simple joy of being together. The love and warmth that filled the room was palpable, a testament to the strong bond that they shared.

As they were eating, Tenodakume looked up at his parents, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Mom, Dad, do you remember the first time we made pancakes together?" he asked.

Hanako chuckled, a soft, fond smile on her face. "Of course, sweetheart. You were so small, you could barely reach the counter even with the stool," she said, her voice filled with nostalgia.

Kenji joined in, his eyes twinkling with amusem*nt. "And you insisted on flipping the pancakes yourself. Do you remember what happened?" he asked, a teasing note in his voice.

Naruto's face turned a bright shade of red as he recalled the memory. "I... I may have flipped it too hard. It ended up on the ceiling," he admitted, his words causing his parents to burst into laughter.

"That's right," Hanako said, reaching over to ruffle his hair affectionately. "But you know what? That was the best pancake we ever had."

Kenji nodded, his gaze soft as he looked at his family. "It's not about how perfect the pancake is, Naruto. It's about the love and joy we share while making it. That's what makes it special," he said, his words earning a bright smile from both Hanako and Tenodakume.

Their conversation continued, filled with laughter and shared memories, a testament to the love and bond they shared as a family. It was these simple moments, these precious memories, that made their life together so beautiful and fulfilling. And as they finished their breakfast, they looked forward to creating more such memories, cherishing each moment they spent together as a family.

As they finished their breakfast, Kenji looked around at his family, his heart swelling with love and gratitude. He reached across the table, taking Hanako's hand in his and giving it a gentle squeeze. "I love you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Hanako looked up at him, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "I love you too," she replied, her voice choked with emotion.

Naruto, oblivious to the tender moment between his parents, was already up and running around, his laughter echoing through the room. Hanako and Kenji shared a look, their smiles mirroring each other's as they watched their son.

And so, the day began, just like any other. But for the family of three, it was a reminder of the love and happiness that they shared, a testament to the bond that held them together. It was, in its own simple way, a perfect morning. And it was moments like these that they would cherish forever.

~• •~

In a spring morning, the Gojo family decided to have a picnic.

They found a perfect spot under a large, shady tree. Hanako spread out a checkered blanket on the grass, while Kenji unpacked the picnic basket, revealing an array of delicious homemade treats. Naruto's eyes lit up at the sight of his favorite sandwiches and cupcakes.

"Wow, Mom! You made all my favorites!" Naruto exclaimed, his eyes wide with excitement.

Hanako laughed, ruffling his hair affectionately. "Of course, sweetheart. It's not a family picnic without your favorite foods," she said, handing him a sandwich.

As they ate, they chatted and laughed, sharing stories and jokes. Naruto was full of energy, running around and playing with a frisbee that Kenji had brought along.

After lunch, they lay down on the blanket, looking up at the sky. Naruto was nestled between his parents, his head resting on Hanako's lap as he pointed out different shapes in the clouds.

Kenji looked over at Hanako, taking her hand in his. "This is perfect, isn't it?" he asked, his voice soft.

Hanako turned to look at him, her eyes filled with love. "Yes, it is," she agreed, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

As the day wore on, they played games, explored the park, and simply enjoyed each other's company. It was a day filled with laughter, love, and happiness, a day that they would remember for a long time.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, they packed up their things and headed home, their hearts full of precious memories. It was just another day in their lives, but it was a day that perfectly encapsulated the love and bond they shared as a family. It was, indeed, a beautiful day.

~• •~

The air in the bustling ramen shop was thick with anticipation. Naruto, all of four years old, sat perched on a high stool, his tiny hands gripping chopsticks like miniature swords. Across from him sat Mr. Tanaka, a seasoned ramen enthusiast with a belly that could rival Mount Fuji.

The rules were simple: whoever finished the most bowls of ramen in one sitting would be crowned the champion. The prize? A year's supply of ramen, which, to Naruto, was akin to winning the lottery.

Hanako and Kenji, proud parents, sat at the edge of their seats. Hanako clutched her heart, while Kenji whispered, "Remember, Naruto, chew slowly!"

The referee, a stern-faced waitress, raised her hand. "On your marks... get set... slurp!"

And so, the battle began.

Naruto attacked his first bowl with gusto. Noodles flew, broth splashed, and the slurping echoed like a symphony. Mr. Tanaka, on the other hand, approached his bowl with the precision of a samurai. He savored each bite, wiping his mouth with a cloth napkin between slurps.

As the bowls piled up, Naruto prepared his strategy. 'Okay, Naruto, you got this. Remember what Dad said: 'Chew slowly.' But who has time for that? This is war! Ramen war!'

Across the table, Mr. Tanaka wiped his brow. His inner thoughts were more contemplative. 'Ah, youth. I used to be like that—devouring ramen like a typhoon. Now, I savor it. Each noodle tells a story. Like that one—it's been through the broth wars.'

Naruto's parents cheered, their voices blending with the slurping chorus. Hanako clapped her hands, her eyes shining. "Go, Naruto! Show them what our family's made of!"

Kenji nodded, his heart swelling. "He's got the spirit of a thousand sumo wrestlers!"

Meanwhile, Mr. Tanaka's face turned crimson. His chopsticks wavered. 'Why did I agree to this? I should've stuck to Sudoku puzzles. My stomach feels like a hot spring about to erupt.'

Naruto, undeterred, slurped his way through bowl after bowl. His cheeks flushed, his eyes sparkled, and his belly expanded like a balloon. The other diners watched in awe. Was this kid a ramen deity in disguise?

Mr. Tanaka, on the brink of defeat, leaned over to Naruto. "Kid," he wheezed, "you're a force of nature. Take the prize. Just promise me... name your firstborn 'Tonkotsu.'"

Naruto grinned, noodles dangling from his mouth. "Deal, Mr. Tanaka. But only if you teach me your secret technique."

And so, with a final slurp, Naruto polished off his tenth bowl. The crowd erupted into applause. Mr. Tanaka slumped, defeated, muttering, "I should've stuck to Sudoku."

Hanako and Kenji lifted Naruto onto their shoulders, tears in their eyes. "Our little ramen warrior!" Hanako exclaimed.

As they left the shop, Naruto whispered to his parents, "I love you more than a thousand bowls of ramen."

And in that moment, surrounded by love and broth-scented victory, the family knew: this was a memory they'd savor forever.

~• •~

Naruto had an overactive imagination. At four years old, he saw adventure in every corner, danger lurking behind every tree. So when he spotted a man in the park wearing a trench coat and sunglasses, he knew—without a doubt—that he'd stumbled upon a kidnapper.

The man, Mr. Jenkins, was merely waiting for his lost dog, Fluffy, to return from a squirrel-chasing escapade. But Naruto didn't know that. His mind raced with conspiracy theories.

"Mom! Dad!" Naruto sprinted toward his parents, his tiny legs pumping like pistons. "There's a kidnapper over there! We have to save Fluffy!"

Hanako and Kenji exchanged amused glances. They'd been through this before—the time Tenodakume thought the mailman was a secret agent, and the incident with the grocery store cashier who was clearly a pirate.

"Naruto," Hanako said, crouching down to his eye level, "that man is probably just waiting for someone. Let's not jump to conclusions."

But Tenodakume was already on a mission. He grabbed Kenji's hand, pulling him toward Mr. Jenkins. "Dad, we need a plan. I'll distract the kidnapper, and you can karate-chop him!"

Kenji raised an eyebrow. "Karate-chop? Where did you learn that?"

"YouTube," Naruto replied, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

They approached Mr. Jenkins, who was now checking his watch. Naruto cleared his throat, channeling his inner spy. "Excuse me, sir. Are you a kidnapper?"

Mr. Jenkins blinked. "A what?"

"A kidnapper!" Naruto insisted. "You know, someone who steals dogs and ransoms them for treats."

Mr. Jenkins removed his sunglasses, revealing kind eyes and a bemused smile. "Oh, no, young man. I'm just waiting for my dog, Fluffy. She's a Pomeranian."

"Fluffy?" Tenodakume's eyes widened. "That's the perfect kidnapper name!"

Kenji tried to suppress a laugh. "Naruto, buddy, Mr. Jenkins isn't a kidnapper. He's a dog owner."

"But what if Fluffy is a code name?" Naruto whispered. "Maybe she's a secret agent dog!"

Hanako patted his shoulder. "Sweetie, let's give Mr. Jenkins some space. Fluffy will be back soon."

As they walked away, Naruto glanced back at Mr. Jenkins. The man was still waiting, now humming a tune. Tenodakume squinted. Was that a secret signal?

"Mom," he whispered, "I think he's activating Fluffy's spy mode!"

"Naruto," Hanako said, her voice patient, "Let's focus on our own mission: finding the ice cream truck."

And so, the family continued their adventure, leaving Mr. Jenkins to his dog-waiting duties. As they rounded a corner, Naruto looked back one last time.

"Good luck, Fluffy," he whispered. "Save the world, one squirrel at a time."

And somewhere in the park, Fluffy—the unsuspecting Pomeranian—chased her tail, blissfully unaware of her double life as a secret agent.

~• •~

Satoru Gojo, the enigmatic sorcerer with silver hair and a penchant for flashy sunglasses, found himself in an unexpected predicament. His nephew, Naruto was a pint-sized bundle of energy with a stubborn streak that rivaled cursed spirits.

The bakery's bell tinkled as they stepped inside. The air smelled of freshly baked bread, sugar, and dreams. Satoru had planned a delightful afternoon—pastries, cakes, and maybe even a macaron or two. But Naruto had other ideas.

"Old-man-sensei," Naruto declared, tugging at his sleeve, "why are we here? Ramen is way better than sweets."

Satoru raised an eyebrow. "Naruto, my boy, you're five. How do you even know about sweets?"

Naruto crossed his arms, his tiny face scrunched in determination. "I know A LOT, Old-man-sensei. And ramen is life."

Satoru sighed. He'd battled curses, exorcized demons, and survived countless near-death experiences. But this? Arguing with a kindergartener about culinary preferences? This was a new level of absurdity.

"Listen, Naruto," Satoru said, crouching down to eye level, "sweets are like magic. They make you feel warm and fuzzy inside."

Naruto shook his head. "Ramen warms my tummy. And it has noodles. Noodles, Old-man-sensei! You can't beat that."

Satoru glanced around the bakery. The glass display sparkled with éclairs, cream puffs, and rainbow-colored cupcakes. He pointed at a delicate strawberry shortcake. "Look at this masterpiece, Naruto. Layers of sponge cake, whipped cream, and fresh strawberries. It's like a love potion."

Naruto squinted. "But where are the noodles?"

Satoru resisted the urge to facepalm. "Naruto, life isn't all about noodles. Sometimes it's about—"

"—noodles!" Naruto interrupted, pointing at a croissant. "That looks like a noodle, Old-man-sensei!"

Satoru blinked. "That's a croissant, Naruto. It's flaky and buttery. You eat it with coffee."

Naruto grabbed the croissant, took a bite, and chewed thoughtfully. His eyes widened. "Old-man-sensei, this is like ramen in disguise!"

Satoru chuckled. "Kid, you're a genius. But let's try something else." He picked up a macaron—a delicate almond meringue cookie filled with ganache. "This, Naruto, is pure joy."

Naruto eyed it suspiciously. "Is it a tiny hamburger?"

"No, it's—"

"—a noodle burger!" Naruto exclaimed, taking a bite. His face lit up. "Old-man-sensei, this is the best noodle burger ever!"

Satoru surrendered. "Fine, Naruto. You win. Noodle burgers it is."

They sat at a corner table, Naruto happily munching on his "noodle burgers" while Satoru sipped his coffee. The bell tinkled again as a customer entered. It was Mr. Ijichi, another sorcerer.

Mr. Ijichi raised an eyebrow. "Gojo-san, why is your nephew eating croissants like they're ramen?"

Satoru sighed. "Don't ask. It's a long story."

Naruto leaned over; his mouth full of macaron. "Old-man-sensei, tell him about the secret noodle bakery!"

And so, Satoru spun a tale—a tale of hidden noodle bakeries, magical croissants, and the quest for the ultimate ramen-flavored sweet.

As they left the bakery, Naruto hugged Satoru's leg. "Old-man-sensei, can we come back tomorrow?"

Satoru ruffled his hair. "Sure, Naruto. Tomorrow, we'll find the legendary ramen éclair."

And as they walked home, Satoru realized that family bonding was sweeter than any pastry. Even if it involved noodle burgers.

~• •~

The game was a fast-paced adventure, filled with mythical creatures and magical realms. The boy's fingers danced over the buttons, his tongue sticking out in concentration. Inumaki and Panda watched, their expressions a mix of amusem*nt and awe.

Inumaki, usually a man of few words, found himself caught up in the excitement. He cheered the boy on, his usual "Tuna" and "Salmon" replaced with words of encouragement. His thoughts were a whirlwind of surprise and delight. 'Who knew a child could bring so much joy?' he mused.

Panda, on the other hand, was the perfect cheerleader. His large paws clapped together, creating a sound that echoed through the room. His thoughts were warm and fuzzy, much like himself. 'This is what family feels like,' he thought, his heart swelling with affection.

Just then, Maki sauntered into the room. She took in the scene, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Shouldn't you be training instead of playing games?" she asked, her tone teasing.

The boy looked up at her, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "But Emo-nee-chan, we are training. Right, Inumaki-nii-chan? Panda-nii-chan?"

Inumaki nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Salmon," he agreed, which, in this context, meant 'yes'.

Panda chuckled, his laughter rumbling like a soft thunder. "We're training our reflexes, Maki. It's important for a jujutsu sorcerer."

Maki rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the smile tugging at her lips. She watched as the boy returned to his game; his determination unwavering.

~• •~

Yuji stood in the dim light of the Shibuya subway station; his eyes locked on Mahito. The boy, Naruto, clung to Yuji's back, his small hands gripping Yuji's jacket tightly. The air was thick with tension, the only sounds were the distant rumble of trains and Naruto's quiet sobs.

Mahito moved first, his body twisting into a grotesque form as he lunged at Yuji. "Let's see you dance, Yuji," he sneered.

Yuji dodged to the left, narrowly avoiding Mahito's swipe. He could feel Naruto's grip tighten. 'Stay calm. Protect the kid,' he thought.

Mahito attacked again, faster this time, his fist aiming for Yuji's head. Yuji ducked and felt the whoosh of air as the punch missed him by inches. He countered with a quick jab to Mahito's side, but the cursed spirit twisted away, unharmed.

"You're holding back," Mahito taunted. "Scared to hurt the little one? Or should I say... demon?"

Yuji's jaw clenched. He wasn't scared. He was careful. With a swift kick, he aimed for Mahito's knee, trying to bring the spirit down. Mahito jumped back, laughing.

The fight was a blur of movement. Yuji's every step was calculated, each punch and kick designed to keep Mahito away from Naruto. The boy's safety was his priority, even as Mahito's attacks grew more vicious.

With a sudden burst of energy, Yuji pushed forward, his fist connecting with Mahito's cheek. The spirit stumbled back, surprise flashing across his face.

Yuji didn't let up. He followed with a series of strikes, each one pushing Mahito further back. The spirit's form wavered, his attacks becoming sloppy.

Yuji, panting heavily, stood ready as Mahito slowly rose, his form shimmering with malice. The cursed spirit's grin was gone, replaced by a snarl of frustration. "You'll pay for that," he hissed, lunging forward with renewed fury.

Yuji shifted Naruto higher on his back, ensuring the boy was secure. 'Hold on, Naruto. Just a little longer.' He met Mahito's charge head-on, their fists colliding with the sound of thunder.

Mahito's attacks were relentless, a flurry of punches and kicks that Yuji narrowly evaded or blocked. Each movement Yuji made was precise, designed to shield the child from harm while seeking an opening in Mahito's defense.

With a quick feint, Yuji drew Mahito's attention low, then delivered a solid kick to the spirit's midsection, forcing him back. Mahito recovered quickly, though, his body contorting in unnatural ways as he attempted to strike from multiple angles.

Yuji leaped, twisting in the air to avoid a sweeping kick from Mahito. He landed gracefully, using the momentum to propel himself forward into a series of rapid punches. Mahito staggered under the assault, his form flickering.

The boy sobbed while unconscious.

Yuji's heart clenched, but his voice was steady. "I've got you, Naruto. I won't let him touch you."

Empowered by newfound determination, Yuji's next attack was a whirlwind. He spun, delivering a roundhouse kick that caught Mahito off-guard. The spirit was thrown against the subway station's wall, the impact echoing through the empty space.

Mahito slid to the ground, and for a moment, there was silence. Yuji stood over him, every muscle tensed, ready for any trickery.

As Mahito lay against the wall, his body began to distort and bubble, his eyes gleaming with malice. "You think you've won?" he spat, his voice a venomous whisper as he rose to his feet. "I'm not alone either, Itadori."

Suddenly, the shadows of the subway station stirred, and from them emerged figures—transfigured humans, their forms twisted and grotesque. They moved with eerie synchronicity, encircling Yuji and the boy, Naruto.

Yuji's mind raced. 'I need to keep Naruto out of their reach.' He tightened his hold on the boy, feeling the small heartbeat against his back. "Don't worry, I won't let them near you," he promised, more to reassure himself than the child.

The transfigured humans advanced, their movements jerky and unpredictable. Yuji kicked out, sending one sprawling back into another. He punched; each blow fueled by the desperation to protect Naruto.

Mahito watched, a twisted smile returning to his face as he orchestrated the attack. "What's the matter, Itadori? Overwhelmed yet?"

Yuji ignored the taunt, focusing on the enemies before him. He ducked under a wild swing, then swept the legs out from under another attacker. He had to end this quickly.

Yuji's senses were heightened, his body moving with a fighter's grace. The transfigured humans were relentless, but Yuji was a whirlwind of precision and power. He struck out with a series of rapid punches, each one landing with a thud against the distorted bodies of his foes.

Mahito's laughter echoed around them, a sound that sent shivers down Yuji's spine. "Come on, Itadori! Is that all you've got?" he jeered, his voice dripping with malice.

Yuji's response was a fierce battle cry as he launched himself into the air, flipping over a lunging attacker. He landed and immediately rolled to the side, evading a crushing blow that shattered the concrete where he had just been.

With no time to waste, Yuji sprang up, delivering a powerful uppercut to the nearest transfigured human. The force of the impact sent the creature flying, crashing into its comrades and creating a momentary barrier between Yuji and Mahito.

Mahito, growing impatient, surged forward, his form blurring as he attempted to bypass the fallen transfigured humans. Yuji met him head-on, their fists colliding with a sound like thunder. The force of the clash sent shockwaves through the station, dust and debris dancing in the air around them.

Yuji ducked and weaved through Mahito's barrage of attacks, each movement deliberate and calculated. He was the eye of the storm, calm and focused despite the chaos.

He invoked, "Black Flash!"

Then, Mahito was thrown away like a dodgeball.

Seizing the opening, Yuji unleashed a flurry of strikes, his fists moving too fast to see. Mahito's defenses began to crumble under the onslaught, his form flickering erratically.

"Black Flash!"

As Yuji's fists flew, a sudden surge of cursed energy from Mahito sent him staggering backward. The spirit's form stabilized, becoming clearer and more menacing. "You thought you could defeat me so easily?" Mahito taunted, his voice echoing with dark power.

Yuji steadied himself, feeling Tenodakume's weight on his back. The boy's presence was a constant reminder of what was at stake. "I won't give up," Yuji declared, his voice firm despite the uncertainty that flickered in his heart.

Mahito laughed, a sound that seemed to crawl along the walls of the subway station. "Let's see how long that determination lasts." With a swift motion, he unleashed a torrent of cursed energy that materialized into sharp tendrils, aiming straight for Yuji.

Yuji reacted instantly, jumping to the side while shielding Naruto with his body. The tendrils missed them by mere inches, slicing through the air where they had just been. Yuji landed, rolled, and sprang up, ready to face the next wave of attacks.

Mahito pressed on, relentless. He moved with a speed that seemed to defy the limits of the physical world, his attacks a blur of motion and cursed energy. Yuji found himself on the defensive, each block and dodge more desperate than the last.

The boy's grip tightened, his small fingers digging into Yuji's shoulders. Yuji could hear Naruto's ragged breathing, each breath a whisper of pain; the boy needed a doctor, fast! "Hold on, Naruto," Yuji breathed out, his own fear buried beneath layers of resolve.

Mahito's onslaught continued, each strike more powerful than the last. Yuji felt the impact of each hit, the cursed energy searing through the air, threatening to overwhelm him.

The battle's ferocity reached a fever pitch as Mahito, with a surge of cursed energy, delivered a devastating blow that sent Yuji reeling. The impact forced Yuji to loosen his hold on Naruto, and the unconscious boy slipped from his back, tumbling to the cold floor of the subway station.

Mahito, seizing the opportunity, advanced with a sinister grin. "Now, Yuji, you have nothing left to protect," he sneered, raising his hand to deliver a final, crushing blow.

But before Mahito's attack could land, a figure emerged from the shadows, battered and seared, yet standing with an unwavering resolve. It was Nanami, his suit charred, his expression a mix of pain and determination. Half of his body was burnt-crisp, a testament to the horrors he had already faced.

"Nanamin!" Yuji exclaimed, a mix of relief and concern in his voice.

With a grim nod, Nanami stepped forward, positioning himself between Yuji and Mahito. "I can't let you have all the fun," he said, his voice rough but steady.

Mahito's eyes narrowed. "You're supposed to be dead," he hissed.

Nanami's response was a wry smile. "Not yet. And not before I see you defeated."

The two warriors stood side by side, ready to face the cursed spirit together. Mahito's confidence wavered for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure. "Two against one? I'll still crush you both," he declared, his cursed energy flaring up once more.

The fight resumed with Nanami and Yuji coordinating their attacks, their movements a dance of strategy and skill. Nanami's experience and Yuji's raw power complemented each other, creating a formidable force against Mahito's malevolence.

The battle intensified as Mahito, tapping into his cursed energy, split his form, creating duplicates of himself. The subway station became a battlefield of shadows and echoes, each Mahito moving with lethal intent.

Nanami, despite his injuries, stood firm. "Focus on their patterns," he instructed Yuji, his eyes scanning the multiplying adversaries. "They may look the same, but they're not equally strong."

Yuji nodded, his own cursed energy pulsing in response. He watched as Nanami moved with calculated precision, his jujutsu techniques flowing seamlessly. Nanami's hands sliced through the air, his own form of cursed energy cutting into the nearest Mahito duplicate, causing it to dissipate into nothingness.

But the spirit was relentless. The Mahito duplicates attacked in unison, their movements synchronized as they converged on Yuji and Nanami. Nanami parried a strike, then countered with a swift thrust of his palm, his cursed energy targeting the core of another duplicate, erasing it from existence.

Yuji followed Nanami's lead, his fists and feet moving in a blur. He struck out at the duplicates surrounding them, each hit infused with his determination to protect Naruto and to fight alongside Nanami.

The station echoed with the sounds of combat; the air charged with cursed energy. Nanami, his body moving with a grace that belied the severity of his burns, executed a series of complex maneuvers. He was a master of his craft, each attack deliberate and deadly.

Mahito's laughter was drowned out by the sound of his duplicates being destroyed one by one. Yet, with each one that fell, another seemed to take its place. It was a battle of attrition, and Yuji and Nanami were determined to outlast their foe.

With a roar, Nanami unleashed a powerful wave of cursed energy, the technique known as 'Ratio Technique: Collapse'. The air shimmered as the energy wave hit multiple duplicates, obliterating them in a cascade of light and shadow.

Yuji seized the moment, his own energy surging as he leaped high above the remaining duplicates. With a shout, he came crashing down in the midst of them, his impact sending a shockwave that tore through the cursed forms.

"Black Flash!"

The duplicates faltered, their numbers dwindling under the relentless assault. Mahito's true form, now revealed among the weakened copies, snarled in frustration. "Impossible!" he growled, his cursed energy flaring wildly in a last desperate attempt to turn the tide.

But Yuji and Nanami stood unbroken, their resolve as strong as ever. They moved together, a perfect team, their combined strength overwhelming the cursed spirit. With each movement, each attack, they pushed Mahito back, their victory within reach.

"After so many Black Flashes…" Mahito yelled like a drunkard. "I have finally managed to see through my 'core'!"

The air in the Shibuya subway station crackled with cursed energy as Mahito unveiled his final form, the Instant Spirit Body of Distorted Killing. His figure twisted and expanded, becoming a monstrous version of himself, his features sharp and lethal.

Yuji and Nanami braced themselves, their eyes fixed on the transformed spirit. "Be careful," Nanami warned, "This is his true power."

Mahito's laugh was a distorted echo, "Let's end this charade," he declared, his voice a chilling blend of multiple tones.

The battle erupted with renewed intensity. Mahito's movements were a blur, his attacks so swift they were nearly invisible. Nanami moved to intercept, but he was met with a force that sent him flying. He hit the wall with a sickening crunch, his body sliding down, motionless.

Yuji's heart raced. 'Nanamin!' But he couldn't afford to lose focus. Mahito was upon him, a whirlwind of death. Yuji dodged a swipe that would have decapitated him, feeling the rush of air as it passed.

Mahito's form was everywhere and nowhere, his cursed energy creating afterimages that disoriented Yuji. But Yuji had a weapon of his own—the Black Flash. He concentrated, his cursed energy coalescing into his fists.

As Mahito lunged, Yuji unleashed the Black Flash. The world slowed down, and for a split second, everything was clear. His fist connected with Mahito, the impact sending a shockwave of cursed energy that rippled through the station.

Mahito recoiled, his form flickering from the hit, but he was far from defeated. He retaliated with a barrage of energy spikes, each one aimed with deadly precision. Yuji twisted and turned, his body moving on instinct as he avoided a storm of lethal points.

The fight was a dance of death, each participant pushing their limits. Yuji's muscles screamed, but he pushed through the pain. He had to protect Naruto. He had to protect Nanami.

Mahito, sensing Yuji's fatigue, intensified his assault. He split into multiple forms again, each one attacking from different angles. Yuji fought with everything he had, his fists a blur as he struck out at the forms, trying to find the real Mahito among them.

Then, in a moment of clarity, Yuji saw it—the slight delay in one Mahito's movement. He focused all his energy, his cursed power surging to new heights. With a shout, he delivered another Black Flash, this time directly at the true Mahito.

The impact was monumental. Mahito's form shattered like glass, his scream a cacophony of distorted sound. The cursed spirit's final form began to unravel, the Instant Spirit Body of Distorted Killing unable to withstand the purity of Yuji's attack.

Yuji's breaths were heavy, his body on the brink of collapse, but the sight of Mahito's disintegrating form spurred a newfound resolve within him. He could feel the cursed energy coursing through his veins, a tempestuous storm that he barely contained. Mahito, now a mere shadow of his former self, writhed in agony, his consciousness flickering like a faulty light bulb.

In the chaos, Yuji's mind was eerily calm, a stark contrast to the pandemonium that surrounded him. He could hear his own heartbeat, a steady drum that anchored him to reality amidst the surreal battle. Mahito's inner thoughts were a jumbled mess, fragments of his past and his twisted desires flashing before his eyes as he struggled to maintain his existence.

Yuji advanced, his steps deliberate and powerful. Each movement was a testament to his determination, his fists not just weapons but symbols of his unyielding spirit. Mahito, in his desperation, attempted to piece himself back together, his forms coalescing into a grotesque semblance of life. But Yuji was relentless, his every strike a declaration of his will to protect and to fight against the corruption that Mahito represented.

Yuji, his muscles screaming in protest, refused to let the fight end. Mahito, sensing his own end drawing near, tapped into the deepest reserves of his cursed energy. The air crackled with power as both combatants prepared for the next phase of their epic confrontation.

Mahito, now more determined than ever, reformed his shattered body with a grotesque squelch. His many eyes, filled with malice, locked onto Yuji. "You think you can defeat me, human?" he hissed, his voice a chilling blend of mockery and rage. "I have killed many humans before and I don't even remember their names. You will be killed by me and I won't even remember you."

Yuji responded not with words, but with action. He dashed forward, his fatigue pushed aside by sheer willpower. His fists, though heavy, were precise and swift, targeting the weak spots he had learned to recognize in Mahito's fluid form.

The cursed spirit, cunning as ever, anticipated Yuji's moves and countered with a barrage of his own. The two were locked in a dance of destruction, their movements a blur to any onlooker. Mahito's forms multiplied, each one echoing his twisted laughter, trying to overwhelm Yuji's senses.

But Yuji's resolve was unbreakable. With each breath, he synchronized his cursed energy with his physical strikes, creating a rhythm that disrupted Mahito's attempts at duplication. The fight was far from over, and Yuji was ready to push himself beyond his limits to ensure Mahito's defeat.

Trapped against the crumbling wall, Yuji's eyes darted for an escape as Mahito loomed over him, a sinister grin spreading across his face. "You're at your limit, Yuji Itadori," Mahito taunted, his voice dripping with condescension. "Your body is breaking, your spirit is waning, and here you are, cornered like a rat."

Yuji's chest heaved, his breaths ragged, but his eyes burned with an unwavering flame. Mahito's mockery only fueled his determination. "It's not over yet," Yuji spat through gritted teeth, pushing back against the pain that threatened to overwhelm him.

Mahito's laugh echoed through the air, a sound as cold as the cursed energy he wielded. "Let's see how long that spirit lasts," he sneered, and with a flick of his wrist, he sent a wave of distorted figures hurtling towards Yuji.

The battle's intensity reached a fever pitch as Yuji, the unwavering flame within him refusing to be extinguished, met Mahito's onslaught head-on. The air was thick with cursed energy, crackling and popping like a live wire. Mahito's distorted figures, manifestations of his malevolence, swarmed towards Yuji, their forms shifting and twisting in a grotesque ballet.

Yuji, his jaw set and eyes ablaze, moved with a dancer's grace and a warrior's precision. He ducked, weaved, and struck with a series of Black Flashes, each one a brilliant streak of destructive beauty that cut through the figures like a scythe through wheat. His fists, now glowing with an otherworldly light, were not just tools of combat but extensions of his indomitable will.

Mahito, growing increasingly desperate, saw an opportunity in the chaos. An unconscious boy lay vulnerable, a pawn in the grand scheme of their fight. With a cruel smile, Mahito lunged, his cursed energy sharpening into a deadly point aimed at the boy's heart.

But Yuji was faster.

With a roar that echoed the depths of his soul, Yuji unleashed the Divergent Fist, a technique that split his cursed energy into multiple paths, creating a labyrinth of force that intercepted Mahito's attack. The impact resonated through the battlefield, a clear message that Yuji would not allow any harm to come to the innocent.

Mahito, cornered and frantic, knew this was his last chance. "Domain Expansion: Self Embodiment of Perfection!" he yelled, and the world twisted. Yuji felt the air change, heavy with cursed energy, as Mahito's domain engulfed them.

Inside, Yuji's mind raced. 'This is bad,' he thought. 'But I can't give up. I won't.' His fists clenched, ready to fight whatever came next.

Mahito's voice echoed, "Welcome to my world, Yuji." The domain was a nightmare, a place where Mahito's power was absolute. But Yuji's will was strong. 'I'll break through,' he vowed silently. 'I have to.' "You don't have Sukuna to save you like last time…"

The battle within the domain was fierce. Yuji dodged and struck, his every move a fight against Mahito's control. 'I'm not just fighting for me,' Yuji reminded himself. 'I'm fighting for everyone Mahito has hurt.'

Mahito laughed, thinking he had the upper hand.

"Goodbye Yuji Itadori," Mojito grinned. "See you in hell."

When Yuji was about to lose, Mahito's Domain Shattered as a small figure, a boy with Snow white hair entered. The boy said a single word.


Then it was chaos everywhere.

~• •~

Naruto opened his eyes and immediately felt pain all over his body. His body was burning with fever. Every single muscle of his body ached. His vison was blurry. With quite some effort, looked around his surroundings.

Sunglasses-sensei was unconscious, half of his body was burned, roasted like chicken.

Yuji-nii-chan was fighting the Stitch-faced guy. Yuji was losing.

Naruto couldn't feel Old-man-sensei. He was nowhere. But he was here. Not anymore. He just disappeared. Nobody disappears like that. Unless…

Emo-nee-chan was… she was fading. So was Inumaki-nii-chan.

Naruto sighed, he looked around. Then he heard the sound of electricity cracking.

He looked at the source.

A thick wire was hanging from the ceiling.

He walked towards it.

'It can't be that painful, right?'

He stood beside it. 'I am coming, everyone.'

He touched it.

One second.

Two seconds.



The sound of electricity cracking was gone, gone was the battle cry of Stitch-Faced spirit and Yuji-nii-chan. It was as if the world held its breath and so did time.

He opened his eyes.

And felt something otherworldly emerging out of thin air…

In the dim space, in front of him, about five meters above the ground, reality wavered. The station's sterile light faded, replaced by a golden radiance that seemed to carry cosmic secrets. It was as if an angelic messenger had descended, bearing divine edicts.

Suddenly, a cluster of vortexes materialized, swirling with otherworldly hues. Colors emerged from the spirals, each one pulsing with its own energy: white, brown, purple, black, red, and gray. These chromatic fragments merged, coalescing into a humanoid form.

Naruto's heart raced. He instinctively assumed a defensive stance, but the figure before him defied comprehension. Clad in a white kimono, the fabric clung to their body like a second skin, hinting at timeless wisdom. Their eyes held the weight of ages: a ringed red eye bore into Naruto's soul, while ringed purple eyes blinked languidly.

In their right hand, the figure wielded a long black staff, its end adorned with a cluster of smaller rings. Nine black orbs materialized, orbiting them like celestial sentinels.

It was him

"Among all my children and their descendants no one was as strong willed as you." He spoke. "Tell me, my boy, why do you give up?"

"S-super G-g-gram—" Naruto stammered.

"Indeed, my boy," he spoke. "It is I, whom this world knows as Kush Sarito—"

Naruto held his breath.

"—but you know me as Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki."

Eyes That Hold The Heavens - Chapter 12 - McPhoenixDavid - 呪術廻戦 (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.